How To Prevent Razor Burn When Shaving (The Right Way)

Shaving is an aspect of self-care and grooming that no one really looks forward to, especially not as sometimes we can feel itchy, sore, and generally irritated post-shave if we don’t go about it in the right way.

Razor burn is one of the most common issues people face when shaving their face and body due to the fact that it can be caused by a wide range of things like the sharpness of your razor, the condition of your skin, your shaving technique, and more.

Here’s a simple guide to preventing razor burn so you don’t have to deal with the itchy and sore consequences…

What is razor burn?

Razor burn can present itself in various different ways:

  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Burning
  • Itchiness
  • Visible red lumps (different to razor bumps)

Generally, it is a type of skin irritation caused by shaving that usually starts to show within 24 hours of a shave. With the right treatment and care, it can be cleared up in a few days, however, it’s far better to try to avoid causing this irritation in the first place as it can be uncomfortable to deal with.

Razor burn is often confused with razor bumps, however, bumps usually occur after a longer period than razor burn as your hair starts to grow back and get caught under the skin.

How to prevent razor burn

Razor burn is not a pleasant thing and can be downright annoying; the itchiness and burning sensation can make day-to-day life uncomfortable. There are various ways that you can prevent razor burn from occurring as opposed to having to treat it once it’s happened.

#1 Exfoliate

Over time, the skin all over our body and face renews itself, which causes dead skin cells to naturally build up on the skin’s surface. Exfoliating allows you to remove this build-up so your razor can cut through your hair as close to the skin’s surface as possible without as much friction caused, preventing razor burn as a result of the razor pulling on your skin.

#2 Prepare your skin

As tedious as some of us find shaving, it’s important to prepare our skin beforehand. Preparation is key if you are to avoid your skin acting up post-shave. Make sure your skin is hydrated by moisturizing daily and use hot water or steam when showering to open your pores and soften the skin before going in with the razor.

#3 Use shaving cream or soap

The worst thing you can do when shaving is to run your razor over your skin without any lubrication, which is where shaving soaps and creams come in. Add a high-quality, thick, and hydrating shaving cream or soap into your routine and layer this over your skin so your razor can glide over the skin with little to no friction.

The English Shaving Company offers a range of quality shaving products and is a one-stop shop for all you need for a complete shaving routine. Their shaving soaps and creams all use ingredients that are kind to the skin along with their razors which offer ergonomic mechanisms, blades, and handles to help you eliminate razor burn from your life completely.

#4 Don’t apply too much pressure

As tempting as it might be to press hard on your skin to achieve a closer shave, with a quality razor this isn’t necessary and can be a cause of razor burn due to the extra friction and pressure. Instead, make sure your blades are sharp by replacing them regularly, this way you can use light pressure to achieve the same end result and slice through your hairs.

#5 Shave in short strokes

When in a rush we are all often guilty of trying to shave as quickly as possible, but this is another common cause of razor burn. Instead, use short, slow, and careful strokes to go over different areas of your skin. It’s important to be aware of which areas you have already shaved to avoid going over the same spot multiple times as, again, this can cause irritation.

#6 Don’t shave against the grain

Some people prefer to shave against the natural grain of their hair, which can work well if your blade is sharp enough and your skin isn’t prone to razor burn or bumps. If you have found yourself getting razor burn frequently, you should instead stick to shaving in the same direction that your hair grows. Although you might not get as close to the skin, you will avoid red rashes or bumps which are far worse to deal with.

#7 Let your skin breathe

If you’re shaving your body or pubic areas, it’s best to do this at night or at a time when you won’t need to get dressed or wear tight clothing afterward. Wearing tight clothing post-shave can amplify any irritation caused and again lead to shaving rashes cropping up.

#8 Don’t forget to moisturize

After shaving, it’s easy to stop there and go about your daily routine, but the aftercare is just as, if not more important. After shaving, apply a thick coat of moisturizer straight out of the shower to lock in any moisture and protect your skin from dryness post-shave. Our skin is extra prone to dryness after shaving so moisturizer is key to avoiding itchiness or dryness the following day after a shave.

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