Benefits & Power of Gratitude : Be thankful

Sometimes I really wonder why do I get sadness and pain in my life. But in the other moment, I think that, in reality, I am not the only unlucky one.

We all think in one or the other sphere that we are very unlucky or rebuke, we blame God for throwing us into swamps of sorrows but is it really that we are the only one.

Gratitude is a very powerful thing,

That’s the biggest question, isn’t it?

The other day I saw a man who was begging on a road signal (traffic signal point), I felt pity for him.

Coincidently just a few days later of this scenario, I saw a man who was unable to walk due to which he had a tricycle to travel.

And unexpectedly just 2 days back I saw a man who was crawling a wooden self-made plank with 4 wheels on its corners as he had no legs.

I fell sympathy for that man on the traffic lights or man with a tricycle or man with no legs and they don’t deserve this type of life.

At times when we have to blame someone, we look the whole world around except ourselves.

During these times we just cry to our fate and just not thank for actually what we have.

We people are so thankless and coarse that we have just a sense of vengeance with god for the sorrows he makes us bear but no gratitude for the strength he lends us.


So, I did like to share a small list of 5 simple, fundamentals things that I feel grateful for :

#1. My health

If I treat my body well, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy food, and work out then it works really wonderfully. Sell wonderfully for most all the time.

Sure, I get sick sometimes. But overall, I am quite thankful that I often take for granted about my body.

#2. A roof over my head

Many things feel better than to reflect upon having a warm home and a roof over my head when it’s cold and hot outside. Also, a home is a real blessing.

#3. Don’t have to sleep hungry

Nevertheless, I cook wonderful and healthy food and most of the things I cook / or eat are quite tasty.

#4. My friends & family

Family and friends are the part of support, kindness and all the fun that they offer and I get to offer them.

#5. I am alive

I have been like everyone else has been in situations where an accident and being in the wrong place for just a few seconds could have meant I would not have been here anymore.

BUT !!


I have this moment and hopefully, many days still to experience & live my life.

It’s an amazing thing.


BE THANKFUL and Know that pain is just a mindset so set your mind to be grateful.

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