Are Laser Caps Safe? Do They Work?

A head full of thick, lush hair is everybody’s dream, but very few are fortunate to have it. You see, an average person loses around a hundred hairs a day naturally, but for some people, new growth is much slower.

Hair loss is, therefore, a common, widespread problem. People reach out for multiple solutions in hopes of growing back luscious thick hair, including laser caps. Although scientific evidence proves these caps are a highly effective hair growth solution, yet one cannot help but wonder how safe they really are.

If you have been grappling with certain doubts, then here are all the details you need to rest assured laser caps are a safe option.

Is Low-Level Laser Therapy Safe?

If you observe the recent past trends in the hair industry, you will note how physicians have turned more towards other therapies for hair growth than non-steroidal drugs. Hence, we have seen notable physicians around the world employing Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) more proactively.

The primary reason behind this preference is how this therapy is the safest, being non-invasive and extremely successful. This therapeutic approach uses a low-power laser and emits low-intensity light in the 540-830 nm light range.

LLLT treatments do not cause any side effects, but experts recommend not using them on certain areas of the body. If you’ve got tattoo ink on your body, you must not use a low-level laser there because the treatment can cause interference.

It is also best not to expose your eyes to the laser hair growth device for extra safety. While seeking a doctor’s approval, you must notify him/her of the medications you’re on. The doctor can then verify whether or not the laser treatment is safe for you, and this is especially important in the case of light-sensitive medicines.

Does LLLT Grow Hair?

Low-level laser therapy is perhaps the most popular hair treatment since it came into existence. You will hear many referring to it as cold laser therapy and red light therapy as well. This treatment brings new hair growth successfully by irradiating photons into a scalp’s tissues.

The weak cells then absorb these photos and are active in hair growth. The best aspect of this treatment is the high safety level, how easily tolerable it is, and its less invasive approach. As a result, people vastly prefer this procedure to hair transplant surgeries for hair growth.

The laser devices that irradiate photons use a low-laser level, sometimes what you will also hear of as cold laser commonly. During the treatment sessions, the devices aim directly at your scalp, reactivating the follicles and encouraging them to grow new hair.

Studies prove that laser therapy is enough on it’s to stimulate new hair growth from the scalp. Its advantages are also aplenty. From being completely painless to now convenient as a home-treatment option, people love this miracle-like hair loss solution.

You can consider this therapy similar to that of watering plants. Just like plants absorb the nutrients and water for health and life, similarly, your hair follicles also absorb light energy. This helps them to continue growing strongly and stay healthy.

As the follicles absorb more light, your microcirculation also increases. With this process, you are able to supply your hair follicles with more nutrients and blood supply. When you use a laser device, you are able to stimulate cellular activity with the low-level laser in your follicles. This helps diminish hair loss while boosting regrowth.

Benefits of LLLT or Laser Caps

Generally, men and women with all hair lengths and noticeable thinning can reap the benefits of laser hair therapy. It is best to begin with, this treatment in the early stages of your hair loss.

Additionally, laser caps are also beneficial for the following:

  • People suffering from androgenetic alopecia
  • Males suffering from Fitzpatrick Skin Types I to IV
  • People suffering from Norwood Hamilton classifications of IIa to V
  • Females suffering from Fitzpatrick skin types I to IV
  • Savin or Ludwig I-4, II-1, II-2
  • Those suffering from frontal patterned hair loss
  • Receding hairlines

The benefits of laser caps include:

  • No proven or common side effects
  • Non-invasive procedure
  • It does not require too much time, so busy professionals can use it too
  • Both men and women with all hair lengths can use laser hair therapy for growth
  • Painless
  • Increases fullness or density and hair strength
  • Solves hair loss quite significantly
  • Stimulates regrowth of hair follicles

Final Thoughts

Laser hair therapy is a powerful solution for stopping or reversing hair loss problems. Every treatment has its pros and cons, and so does laser, but the benefits far outweigh the cons in this case. It is best to seek your doctor’s approval before you purchase a laser device for treating your hair follicles. Although this procedure is highly safe, non-invasive, and convenient, yet a doctor helps verify that the hair loss is not due to any other underlying reason.


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