5 Advantages Of A Dedicated Hosting Provider 

A dedicated server gives a company full hosting setup control and allows it to set up a workload-optimal environment. It is the highest-quality hosting you can find, with notable advantages over other types in reliability, performance, security, and scalability.

Here are five dedicated server benefits that render this hosting model the top option for companies that have more demanding hosting requirements. Learn how this type of hosting can help your company grow and prosper.

Read on to learn about the benefits of this server type and see how this type of hosting can take your company to the next level.

1. High loading speed

Elements load more quickly because more resources are available. The software is faster compared to shared hosting, no matter what the essence of your data is.

Google uses speed as an essential SEO factor in its search rankings. The higher the speed, the better the rankings. A dedicated server is the most effective way for a site to reach optimal speeds.

Consequently, speed has a direct effect on profit. It’s key to conversion rates. Here are a few statistics to this end:

  • Almost half of all people who abandon an online shopping cart give low speed as the reason.
  • Two-fifths of potential buyers leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load fully.
  • 11% fewer people view pages that have a one-second delay in response time.
  • Adding even a second to loading time leads to 7% fewer conversions.

A higher speed will also make it possible to add animations, streaming, and other custom features to your website without it taking too long to load. Such is the capacity of dedicated hosting.

2. Dedicated resources

How does it achieve high speed? You’re not sharing resources with other sites, users, organizations, apps, etc. It’s like being the sole occupant of a property.

You have exclusive use of RAM, bandwidth, CPU usage, disk space, and other server resources. You do away with all the significant issues and risks of shared hosting because you have the whole server at your disposal.

These risks and issues include, but are not limited to:

  • Network congestion.
  • Low loading speed during peak usage or traffic hours.
  • Occasional crashes.
  • Another user eating up your resources
  • Another user running a bad script
  • Frequent downtime.

Dedicated hosting ensures stability because you don’t compete for resources. This is critical because it ensures consistent performance, which helps create a brand reputation and improves user experience.

3. Server Customization

web hosting server

You have complete control over hosting regardless of whether you are running or renting a dedicated server in-house. Hardware specs can be adapted to your use case, which shared hosting doesn’t allow. You can customize the software to do one or more of the following:

  • Server configuration to meet the needs of your use case.
  • Install any app, tool, and OS you require.
  • Deploy and use any resource management system.
  • Control how users interact with the server.
  • Deploy ideal security and data backup measures.

You can allow an admin to script in their language of choice apart from enjoying root access to the server and hardware flexibility.

Deployment is just the beginner where customization goes. You can add new capabilities and components to change the hosting setup because the server is very flexible. This is something you’ll need to do as your needs change and evolve.

Being able to adjust the server accordingly is essential to your business’s ability to adapt to market changes or take advantage of new opportunities.

4. Superior Security

Businesses with elevated security demands typically opt for this type of hosting because it eliminates most risks of shared hosting, such as:

  • Getting hit by malware or a virus from another user of the server.
  • Downtime or data loss due to a DDoS attack.
  • A malicious entity infiltrates the device and accesses your data.
  • The accidental or ill-meant activity of another user that impacts your site.

Dedicated hosting providers also take measures to contribute to high security, such as real-time server monitoring and top-tier protection against cybersecurity attacks.

You can rely on solid physical protection by renting or running a dedicated server because the average server room’s security is far poorer than that of a data center. Your device stays safe with:

  • Armed guards.
  • Locks with biometric scans.
  • Round-the-clock video surveillance.
  • Motion detection.

Companies that must fulfill HIPAA and PCI requirements find dedicated servers the best choice due to their customizable security.

5. Managed Services

Most dedicated hosting providers can handle general maintenance, software updates, device setup and configuration (firewalls, hardware updates, servers, switches, etc.), server monitoring (server metrics, app health, fault management), and backup and recovery responsibilities. The specific server management plans depend on the provider.

Managed services are the perfect option for businesses that:

  • Perform mission-critical functions with little to no tolerance for downtime.
  • Do not have (or are unable to invest in) top-tier IT staff.
  • Are not located near the hosting data center.

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