Does Viagra Improve Your Sexual Performance?

Viagra is one of those topics with a dozen controversies and beliefs tied to it. It has raised questions, especially from younger men interested in using it.

One of these questions is; does it improve my sexual performance, and if yes, how? In this guide, Viagra is explored in relation to good sexual performance.

How Does It Affect My Erection?

Viagra, just like other ED medications, functions as a PDEs inhibitor; this is, it inhibits the enzyme that regulates blood flow to the penile dilate. This simply means that Viagra allows more steady blood flow into the blood vessels present in the penis hence promoting a longer-lasting erection. Again contrary to the myth, Viagra does not aid in the secondary growth of the penis.

Another myth about this fact is that Viagra gives you a spontaneous erection which is uncontrollable immediately after use. The truth to this is that Viagra only works to sustain an erection once aroused.

Does Viagra Improve Your Sexual Performance

Viagra and Sexual Experience (Trusted Viagra Pharmacy Worldwide)

For men suffering from erectile dysfunction, they can visit a  trusted Viagra pharmacy worldwide, Viagra has been found to improve their sexual experience by enabling a more sustained erection. However, it is important to separate the facts from myths here.

The facts are that Viagra only helps to attain and maintain an erection. This improvement is only achieved by people who purchase Viagra from trusted pharmacies since a lot of counterfeiting has been done on the product.

Viagra and Lasting Longer In Bed

Challenging as this question sounds, the answer to it is we don’t know for sure. Studies only show that the product improves one’s sexual confidence which can be linked to a more extended performance though there is no proof.

It is best not to see it as a way to slow the ejaculation timer; however, if you frequently have a poor erection during sex, it could be a magic wand. That being said, the conclusion here is that yes, it may work, and no, it is not proven.

Viagra And Recovery After Orgasm

This topic is mostly disputed, and a lot of speculating has been done. However, the facts here are that yes, it does help.

A 2000 study into Viagra’s effect on post-ejaculatory refractory time found that a 100mg dose of sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra) reduced the average recovery time from 10.8 +/- 0.9 minutes to 2.6 +/- 0.7 minute. This can be a good treatment for those suffering from PE since they can hence go for more rounds.

Viagra and Sex Drive

Testosterone hormone is atoned with sexual drive in men. Viagra, on the other hand, does not have inbuilt hormones; this then puts it to a perspective that Viagra cannot be atoned with sexual drive boost.

However, it improves the physicality to have sex by erection; hence it is agreeable that it may boost sexual confidence thus indirectly affect the levels of sexual drives. This is, however, subject to studies still.

Viagra is a solution to ED, and yes, it will boost sexual performance if used appropriately.

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