All You Need To Know About Laser Dentistry

Dentistry and dental care are not static fields. Like other fields of medicine, dentistry is constantly evolving. As a result, innovators are continually developing new methods and devices in a bid to improve patient care and help ensure the best outcomes.

Therefore, with technological advances allowing professionals to use ever better medical devices, they are employing new techniques and procedures in their practice. One example is laser dentistry.

While laser dentistry is still in its infancy, it’s becoming increasingly popular among professionals and patients. So, here’s all you need to know about laser dentistry.

What is laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry denotes the aspect of dentistry that uses lasers to rectify dental ailments. Dentists use the laser- a specially calibrated light beam- to remove tissue layers to access the problem site. This method is a minimally invasive alternative to using a conventional drill. Dentists prefer it as it enhances tooth bleaching agents, reduces swelling, and minimizes the risk of infection.

Dentists who use lasers have to program the devices to perform to the standards set for different procedures. This adjustment allows them to target specific tissue types at each turn.

Laser Dentistry

What can you treat using laser dentistry?

Dentists use laser dentistry to address a wide range of oral health concerns, including:

  • Gum disease – The laser extracts unhealthy gum tissue while leaving the healthy tissue undisturbed. Additionally, the dentist can use it to remove plaque.
  • Tooth decay – Using a laser is a minimally invasive method of preparing a tooth for a filling. It facilitates gentler tooth shaping than the dentist can achieve with a traditional drill.
  • Sensitive teeth – Laser dentistry can help reduce tooth sensitivity by sealing the tubules in the tooth’s roots.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth – In cases where a wisdom tooth grows facing the wrong direction or gets stuck in the gum, dentists can use a laser to remove gum tissue in order to access and remove the tooth.
  • Tooth discoloration – Dental lasers can help improve whitening treatments, thus making the whitening process faster.
  • Removing soft tissue folds – Using a laser enables the dentist to remove the soft tissue folds resulting from ill-fitting dentures without causing pain or the need for sutures.
  • Cosmetic purposes – Dentists also employ lasers for cosmetic procedures like reshaping the gums. In particular, they can alter a gummy smile by removing some gum tissue to adjust the shape and allow more tooth exposure.

What are the benefits of laser dentistry?

There are numerous advantages to laser dentistry that make it more sought-after than other alternatives. They include:

  • Faster and shorter recovery time.
  • Soft tissue leasers reduce the need for sutures.
  • Reduced scarring.
  • Lasers promote clotting; thus, there is minimal bleeding when treating soft tissues.
  • Patients experience minor swelling during the actual procedure.
  • Less risk of infection.
  • Less pain during and after treatment.

In most cases, laser dentistry may also be more cost-effective than using the more traditional methods. One of the primary reasons for this discrepancy is that dentists can complete laser treatments in fewer sessions.

Is laser dentistry safe?

Laser dentistry is an ideal minimally invasive alternative method whose use has been deemed extremely safe. However, like most other medical procedures, there may be some side effects, such as melted roots and cracked teeth. But these have a very low occurrence probability, so there is no reason to worry.

A dental professional will be able to give you more information about the process, including highlighting and adhering to all the required safety measures. In addition, they will make sure to discuss the side effects before your procedure so you remain well aware.

National Library of Medicine

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