Jump Start Your IT Career With These Top Tips

A career in IT is always going to be a risky one. With an industry that is constantly changing and adapting to the new technology that is becoming available. Startups could go one of two ways, they can either be a huge hit, or a huge flop.

So, IT can be a difficult industry to enter, particularly if you’re a new graduate, the working world can be a scary place. You have a lot of big decisions to make, what you want to do, who you want to work for. But although the IT industry can be intimidating, to begin with, it’s an exciting industry and you never know what’s going to come next.

Here are some tips to help begin your career in IT if you’re unsure of where to start.

1. Get out of your comfort zone

Your comfort zone can be a happy place, but it can also be a dangerous one. In your comfort zone, you know what you’re doing and well, you’re like it says, comfortable. So, getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to ensure that you’re making personal progress. Your job can become too easy and not stimulating enough, especially in the IT industry, where your job may be to do the same thing every day.

Getting a position within a software development company or software tool is a smart idea for the future as it’s likely that this is a sector of the industry that will be so important in the years to come.

IT Career (1)

2. Plan your future career

We’re not asking you to have your entire working career mapped out to a T. However, there are benefits in having a rough idea of what you want to do in the next few years. Knowing who you want to work for, and what your dream position is can be really beneficial for your career path. You know what you want to work towards, and therefore you’ll have more motivation to jump-start or continue your IT career.

3. Keep up to date with the latest trends and knowledge

As previously mentioned, the technology industry is constantly changing, so it’s important to keep up with these trends as they can change so fast. Today, there are so many ways of keeping up with the technology industry, from online talks to LinkedIn posts.

Technology offers technology professionals the ability to learn everything online. With just a Google search anything you’ve ever wanted to know about anything is at your fingertips. For example, if you’re applying for a job and want to view a sample application and CV, you can. Just researching the role, and the new technological developments can be extremely helpful in getting your foot in the door.

4. Chat to a professional in the industry

Like every job industry, connections are vital. Just networking, speaking to people in the industry can be so beneficial to your working career. It’s all about getting employers to see your true potential, then they will vouch for this to other employers. For example, if someone is looking for a great software developer, and they’ve seen some of your ideas and have previously worked with you, then they will maybe give your name as a recommendation.

5. Remember to be a good team player

Success doesn’t always come in the form of individual success, sometimes it’s bigger than that. Team success is extremely important in showcasing that you can work with others well. Also, work that you complete that’s to a high standard is more likely to be noticed if you’re in a group setting. When you’re working in a team, you’re not just thinking about the outcome of yourself, but the team as a whole. Practicing working in a team environment can not only start but also strengthen your IT career.

Boosting your career

From networking with professionals to removing yourself from your comfort zone, there are lots of ways to get into the IT industry. The key is to just gain as much experience as you can, in a lot of sectors, so you can see what you like and what you’re not too keen on.

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